Screw... everything...
I'm so sorry, guys and gals. But here's what going down as of this morning.
I've JUST learned from my school that THIS January, they had send my balance to a debt collector, AND the price I owe jacked up. The new amount I owe is at $1,817usd, and that is with fees. I waited too damn long. And what's WORSE: because the balance is charged off, I can no longer pay directly to the school, OR do the $530 thing. That is now out the window...! This $1,817usd has to be paid in full before I even go back.... On THAT note, if I do a payment plan NOW, it'll have to be with this collector, AND, with these numbers, it will take me at least a YEAR (or a year and a half, give or take) to pay it all off. The lowest I can go monthly there is $150, and THAT will be a struggle, considering I STILL have to tackle other debts. So, my disability checks and dayjob earnings will barely help, if at all.
I ROYALLY messed up here....
I thought for sure I would have this 500 in the bag... I mean... to be honest... it's the whole reason I've started my Griffon WG Drive in the first place.
I'm so so sorry, everyone... I wish not to burden you all anymore than I believe that I already have... but my options are limited right now....
dude you have royally fucked yourself i wish you good luck.