Ok. CHANGE IN PLANS. I’m thinking of launching this thing either tomorrow or the 14th!
I’m also thinking of involving the CMC’s (Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo), since it’s been a hot minute.
MAYBE… follow the same method of the last Drive? That means a donation war of sorts, for all three. You can show support for 1, 2, or even all three. It’s up to you. They will be in 3 teams this time. (Yellow, Green, and Purple). Simply tell me which team you’re rooting for WHEN YOU DONATE.
My aim this time is to raise even higher than last time! Can it happen?! What are YOUR thoughts???
Oh. One more thing: new to-do list: https://trello.com/b/WwTCipov/magic-ruperts-commishes-and-agenda
That is all. Questions? Fire away! Carry on, fuzzy butts.